Working on a ship is an exhilarating decision to make. This “life on the high seas” allows you to experience the ocean from a perspective few ever get to see. As a seafarer you have rights that are laid out in the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 which applies to all ships whether owned by the government or private persons, normally engaged in commercial activity (cruise ships, tour vessels. etc). In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (“SVG”), the Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) Regulations 2017 which came into force 8th August 2017, govern Vincentian flagged vessels as well as the regular employment regime. There will more than likely be an equivalent in your jurisdiction.

Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and there are employers worldwide who would seek to undermine your rights.

Making a stand for your rights can seem difficult and frankly a risky decision to make but if you do not stand for your rights, there is a chance your employer will continue to take advantage of you and others that are literally in the same boat. There are plenty of things you can do to stand up for your rights.

In addition to becoming familiar with the MLC, these are a few tips you should bear in mind:

1)  Ask for a contract: Do not work on a ship without having a written contract and an original signed copy in your personal records. Many seafarers start their employment on “good faith” and while this has historically been a practice especially in small island states. It is not a good idea. Ask yourself how can you prove that you work for the ship owner/operator if something goes wrong? What are the proper conditions of employment at sea?

2)  Keep proper records: this is important to prove that you have been working and invaluable evidence in securing your wages if there is a dispute. It also helps you keep track of your income and can operate to keep your employer accountable.

3)  Spend wisely: too many seafarers go off to work abroad and spend their money without consideration of the future. You will not always be able-bodied, companies can be wound up, you may get a serious injury and you may lose your job for reasons in and out of your control. Always keep a wider perspective by putting into place a financial plan. Speak to your local bank or Credit Union. Set yourself a monthly spending limit and save for a rainy day.

4)   Keep away from debt: whatever lifestyle you enjoy, debt is not the ideal and it is unwise to enter into long-term commitments without proper planning. Always remember that even though you may stop working, the debt accumulates interest and lending institutions are within their rights to repossess items you may have purchased with their money like cars and homes. There are many seafarers who have taken on too much debt without seeking advice on repayments and the actual cost of embarking on particular ventures.

5)  Know your rights: If you are working on a Vincentian vessel. Get acquainted with the Shipping Maritime Labour Convention Regulations 2017 or equivalent and know your rights. You can email for a copy. If you do not know your rights you can be treated unfairly and as we locally say just “take that” without knowing that you potentially have proper recourse and remedy for your seafarer claim.

Useful websites:

6)  Invest in yourself: Education is the way out of poverty and sharpening the skills you can offer to a shipowner can only benefit you. Take note of courses around the Caribbean or in your jurisdiction or that your employer may offer.

7)  Ask for freebies: Many cruise lines offer medical insurance, pensions and other benefits and try to consider asking for more. The most they can say is no so you have nothing to lose by inquiring. Always seek out those who know more about the legal dynamic of working on vessels like maritime lawyers.

Working on a ship is exciting and you get to journey to exotic locations as well as a relative and potentially high salary and always remember that “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Have a very productive and safe 2018!